Sunday, August 17, 2008

what exactly does "blog" mean, anyway?

so.... as per Brenda's force, i have decided to start a "blog" to keep the barbee and extended family updated on judah's and my shenanigans particularly since we are cookin a baby in my belly, due to enter the world in late january. the due date is january 23, 2009, although as much as i wish this pregnancy were over NOW, i am actually hoping the baby will be born a little later than that....

so, as many of you already know, (actually every single one of you...word travels fast in this family!) judah and i found out last Wednesday that we are having a baby GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am so excited about this for so many reasons...... i have always known that i would be a mother to a girl, although this happened much sooner than i had planned.

let's see if Judah has anything to say:

"i'll write one later" says judah

speaking of Judah, the other day, before we found out what we were having, i over heard him telling one of his buddies that he would just send out a "massive blog" to everyone when we found out the sex of the baby. i looked at judah and asked him if he knew what a blog was or how to go about making a massive one to send to the entire family, and he said he had no idea. so this is my attempt to make all of judah's blogging dreams come true!

here's some photos of my progressively fattening belly:


